Our Biggest Murals

Mar 29, 2019

Hello Everyone,

We wanted to feature a few of our largest murals to date and where to find them!

Last year we were lucky to do a gigantic hot air balloon on the side of The Cleo in East Nashville. This piece is about 55 ft tall and 45 ft wide on a 60 ft tall wall!

In the city of Wroclaw in Poland in 2017 we filled the entire side of a building (65 ft x 50 ft) with a gigantic flamingo that is bending down to give you a kiss on your head.

We were once told you can’t make interactive street art big… we beg to differ sir 🙂


Courtney and Kelsey

Anything is Possible

Jan 13, 2019
Photo of @TylerDallas

I’m honored to kick off 2019 as part of WordPress’ ‘Anything is Possible’ List for 2019. This list features 14 different people using the internet to create change.

I’m very excited to be part of this list because I want my art to lift people and neighborhoods around the world. I want my art to not only be a gift to a community but also a canvas people can use to express themselves. WordPress, a web application that allows you to build your own presence online, is very similar. WordPress allows individuals and companies to create whatever they can imagine and to create change using the web.

It’s my honor to be part of this year’s ‘Do Anything’ campaign and to partner with WordPress later this month (January 18th) at The Grove in Los Angeles on a unique art installation! Come by and say hi January 18th if you’re in town!